Thursday, March 30, 2006

Isn't living all about time???

Isn't living all about time??? Gives me something to ponder about.... someone recently mentioned about peoples lives revolving around way or another... I feel that its true... The simplest argument in favour of this is that people learn from their pasts (though not always!!) so as to live fully and un-errorlessly(if there's a word like that!!) in the present, while all the "time" planning for their future.... I can even say that the past is like a.... lets say, a timeline... while the future is a plain sheet of paper... the timeline has already been mapped... it is certain and it is unchangeable.... the future, the blank paper, is waiting for its fate... we can write on it... fill it with reams and reams of writing... or boring facts...or with vibrant colours...our hopes and dreams and aspirations..... or we can crumple it... burn it...or chuck it away....
Another thought: our present is just "this second"..."this moment"..."this breath".... the next second or moment or breath is the future....... do we really ever give due consideration to this... our eyes are always set on "the future" as a whole.... but have we ever really realised that the next second could be our last??????????? Then what about the future of this "future" that we dream about????
Another thought: Is there any chance of undoing the past??? Afterall, i always believe that life is all about second chances.... But if the past is sooo certain and unchangeable.... then what is the use of second chances??? So maybe... even the past, like the future, can be changed and altered to accomodate our follies...... but that isn't possible (well, at least until someone develops a time machine.... however, then we would have to think about how going back to change our past would invariably screw up our future... anyway, I digress..) ???
A broken vase,once broken, cannot be mended...... sure, you may use Fevikwik... but the crack will remain..... so maybe.... mistakes cannot be undone.... but they can be amended.... the damage cannot be reversed...but it can be minimised.... hurt people can forgive..................................................

Hmmm... that was deep!!

1 comment:

  1. first things first, Yes. i am the one.

    Just happened to finish "No regrets" by hamilton beazley; i could relate all what is being said here with the extension- all

    humans tend to regret the road not taken, basically, we tend NOT to see negatives of what we dont have and postivies of what we have.

    From my past failed relationship (with a hope it will be okay one time, and hence the name, phoenix) i have learnt living in the present, since past is something which no one can change, and future is yet to come- which no one has seen, so lets live life today.

    Infact, last time I met her, the trip was inspired by this very fact; one fine sunday morning i asked myself what is the last thing i would like to do today if today is my last day of my life, and hence, here i am, travelling to other city just to see her bcoz that what i would like- see her before i die. but, as i realized, she isnt the one i lived my life for. No regrets. I did what i feel was right. Lets see whats left for me...whatever be the thing, live today as much as u can. dont worry about future, it is yet to arrive and yesterday is already over.

