I better write everything down before I get distracted.... or get caught...
Why do I always seem to forget what Ive been thinking just when I got to write it down??
Dang it! Now I have to make stuff up....
.....I hate the rains... we go on and on about how romantic the rains are.... I have absolutely no clue what is so damn romantic about trudging through slushy roads and getting splashed by passing cars... and I have to remember to keep my mouth shut (I tend to talk to myself sing while walking...) otherwise I might get some of the splashed water in my mouth...catch some rare disease and die...
.....Just grabbed an opportunity to get out of the office for a site visit....
.....Have just realised that I have perfected the art of going on standby mode with my eyes open... bonus is having people believe that Im a thinker....
.....Another hour before I can leave work... get out, party, let my hair down... nah, who am I kidding??? I just switch my PC for my laptop and continue surfing the internet....
I wish I could write something more eloquent..or funny...or even slightly more interesting... but Im feeling a little brain dead right now... so Im thankful for whatever my brain is managing to eke out right now....
There arent too many reading my blog... ok, I have, like, one follower.... but whoever is reading this... and wants to do the same... I got this idea from Keely ... so go see her blog.... she is way (raised to infinity) better than I can ever hope to be....
Hopefully, next Tuesday might be better... Hope springs eternal!!!
I walk into rooms all the time and have no idea why I was there!
ReplyDeleteI talk to myself all the time. We have great conversations.
ReplyDeleteIts the best! Unfortunately, the voice in my head is that of my evil twin... and she is the source of all my sarcasm... its a love/ hate relationship we have going on in there...