Tuesday, November 30, 2010

RTT: The One Where.....

Ok... Its that special time of the week again... no, thats the special time of the month...
This special time is when we get to collect all the spare bits of fluff floating round in our heads and spew them out in all their random glory!!!!
So get randomising people!!!!!!!!
And dont forget to go visit Keely for more fluffy wonders...
Alrighty then!!!
First of all...
Happy Birthday to meeee.....
Happy Birthday to meeeee......
Happy birthday to meee-eee....
Haaaaappppy birthday toooo meeeeeeee....
Phew... that's been going round my head...all morning... in the voice of a shrill opera singer
Well, its out now...
Its finally stopped raining..... awwww, Mother Nature...did you do that just for me???
Im bored...
Im not hungry though (for once!).... had a lovely extended lunch with the office bunch... oohh that rhymed!!
I have gotten the crucial parental approval to get what Ive always wanted.... A TATTOO!!!
Hmmm...what to get???
1. Its has to have something to do with dogs
2. It has to be as far away from all cliches as possible
3. It has to portray my randomness.....
Its a pretty short list... but daunting!
So Im going to ponder some more....
Anybody want to make my life simpler and make suggestions?? I will remain eternally indebted to you.... I might even eat a cupcake on your behalf!!
Happy birthday tooo meeee.............. Damn! Its not gone.....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

RTT: The Thumb- Twiddler Edition

So, the entirety of today has been spent at different locations accompanied by mindless thumb- twiddling.....
It has eaten away at the few remaining brain cells I have left and all that remains is a pitiful amount of randomness.....
So if you are hungry for more... Go visit Keely at The Un-Mom... she rocks!
Can you feel hungry and full at the same time??? I do and am currently experiencing this dilemma.... to eat or not to eat....
I just learnt today that my laptop webcam is a potential spycam for hackers... ergo, I have spent the majority of my non- thumb-twiddling time devising different webcam masking techniques... I need to be effective and discrete... So far, all I have managed to do is tear off the sticky portion of a Post- it note and stick it over the cam lens.... maybe I should colour it in..... hmmm... Am I bored and desperate enough to go that far....???
I saw the latest Harry Potter movie... I still maintain that the books are better.... and No, Daniel Radcliffe is NOT hot...!

Im getting a suddden craving for Pringles... mmm....
And thats it... my thoughts have petered out...
So long everyone... Cheers!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

........... Thought Flow...........

I have always thought a lot about destiny/ fate/ karma....
Are we born with a particular life-course charted out and pre-planned for us?
That no matter what decisions we make...no matter what paths we choose... we finally end up doing the same things, meeting the same people and experiencing everything else we would have, had we taken another route??
Had I chosen another school, university, profession or company would I have had a different life or through some twist of fate... through some other means it would have been a mirror image of my current life???
Or do we start out with a clean slate? Solely responsible for however we may turn out...
Living our life as a result of the decisions we make....
That there is a possibility of many alternative lives...some better... some worse...
Its quite a scary thought that there is no one else to blame but ourselves for whatever happens...
Sometimes I wish I could live my life over and over again.... making different decisions everytime just to see how I would turn out in the end... Pure curiosity, of course!
Or what if there was a machine created which showed us the future effects of all our decisions... we could have perfect lives... erase all mistakes before they happened....
But then that would mean that Life would lose its element of surprise....
Afterall, its no fun to read a book when you already know its end, is it?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

RTT: That bed sure looks comfortable....

I can feel a fever setting in as I type this blog.... my eyes are beginning to feel as though they are the size of billiards balls.... and Im positively fantasizing about my bed....
Thats the main theme of my Random entry today... idea taken from Keely at The Un-Mom... check it for more random goodness....
So why am I sick when generally I have the constitution of a horse??? The freak storm we had yesterday of course!
Now everyone knows how much I adore *ahem* the rains... but monsoon ended in September... apparently, the weather did not receive this particular memo and decided to pour a few million gallons down on us all accompanied with gale force winds...
So I was drenched and wind dried until my immune system decided to take the day off...
Result... me walking around office in zombie fashion....
This better wear off by tomorrow....
Ah, Monsoons! How much do I hate thee.... let me count the ways.....