Tuesday, November 16, 2010

RTT: That bed sure looks comfortable....

I can feel a fever setting in as I type this blog.... my eyes are beginning to feel as though they are the size of billiards balls.... and Im positively fantasizing about my bed....
Thats the main theme of my Random entry today... idea taken from Keely at The Un-Mom... check it for more random goodness....
So why am I sick when generally I have the constitution of a horse??? The freak storm we had yesterday of course!
Now everyone knows how much I adore *ahem* the rains... but monsoon ended in September... apparently, the weather did not receive this particular memo and decided to pour a few million gallons down on us all accompanied with gale force winds...
So I was drenched and wind dried until my immune system decided to take the day off...
Result... me walking around office in zombie fashion....
This better wear off by tomorrow....
Ah, Monsoons! How much do I hate thee.... let me count the ways.....


  1. Hope you feel better soon! Apparently Mother Nature has been neglectful of her memo's.

    RTT: B-Day Fun, Technology and Parenting Fail

  2. Wish you feel better soon :)

  3. Take care of yourself! Mother Nature can be a bitch.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Seems to be something going around lately. It made a stop at my house too.

  5. Sorry you're not feeling well. Billard ball eyeballs sounds painful.

    I love your random thoughts. This meme makes me feel not alone.

  6. Stopping over from RTT...feel better soon!

  7. Anonymous6:12 PM

    SO WEIRD. I'm having a freak monsoon storm right now. It's been ages. That's eerie.

  8. Thankyou everyone...
    I have bounced back and its all sunshine and butterflies here in Ramblings-ville!!
