So.. Tuesday has dawned upon me... and this time I do have some things going around in my head in some sort of semi-organized manner....
(inner voice) Haha... I just scrambled things up... Go fetch!... oohhh... you are funny when you fume like that....
(me) GAH!!!
Ok.... hmmm...lets see.... ah, right!
Im really wiped out... being an adult is a tiring job!
Laundry!! The bane of my existence (except for my daily commute... I mean three hours in a train with my nose squashed into annonymous armpits... not my idea of fun... I mean, come on! Do you expect me to be in a good mood when I come in at work after that??? seriously????) anyways, back to the point.... laundry! I just washed a bucket full of clothes.............. BY HAND! Since I dont have a washing machine I get to spend some quality time with my clothes twice a week.....
I mean if I wanted to splash around in soapy water I'd rather it be a warm, scented bubble bath... With me relaxing (after the train ride from hell)... soft music... candles......................
Damn you, Adam and Eve!!!!! Ate that stupid apple.... Realised there was a need for clothes....
Im planning on moving out...taking a place closer to work... Hopefully that will stop the whiny-voices in my head that start popping out each evening.... It will also mean that I can walk to work.... skip the train ride altogether... plus get in some form of exercise.... Fingers crossed on that front....
On another note....The parents have just let me know that come January they will begin the hunt for Mr. Right for me.... Im still reserving my opinion on this.... An arranged marriage?....Hmm.... Am I even ready for marriage? I will probably end up breaking into manic nervous giggles like the big, scaredy- cat that I am.... What a perfect way to scare-off prospective grooms-to-be...
I think Im just going to take this whole topic and lock it up in the Pandora's Box in my head.... maybe if I forget about it, it will go away....
I mean, the parents are cool... they would be fine if I sprung a boyfriend on them.... However, my lack of said boyfriend plus my inability to get guys interested (my few relationships havent lasted longer than breath-mints..)... all points towards the fact that maybe by the end of the next year I would be engaged to be married to a nice, decent, parent- approved boy... from my caste... whose horoscope matches mine.....
Ummm.... yeah.... That kinda kicked-out most of the other thoughts in my head....
Hmmm.... let me see... no...nah... nope... nada...totally empty....
Well, its almost midnight...Tuesday is drawing to a close and so is this entry....
Go check out more randomness at the Un-Mom.... Be good... and play nice....
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