Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Everybody is a hero....

This thought comes from the least expected place... Spider-man-2.....
"... there is a hero in all of us...that keeps us honest...gives us strength...makes us noble... and finally allows us to die with pride..... Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most...... even our dreams..."
We dont have to be saints or politicians or rich philanthropists or great leaders in order to become heroes.... true, our actions or words may not be strong enough to influence a large circumference of population, but nonetheless they will definitely affect those closest to us...those who matter the most...those to whom we matter the most.....and most importantly ourselves....
The most important thing is to have confidence in ourselves.... to know that the decisions that we take are the right ones... and to have pride in ourselves for doing the right thing....
Cos it is never too late to make amends.....

If you know you are right...never ever let what others say pull you down.... you have to be steady...and never compromise on what you know is right..... whatever may be the repercussions!!!

Sure, it may sound difficult...it is never easy to give up your dreams..infact, it is almost impossible...(Also note: if there was no difficulty in giving up a dream...it simply means that what you gave up was not a dream in the first place).... but the satisfaction that you get is PRICELESS!!!!!

Im not doing bol-bacchhangiri.... maybe Ive never yet been faced by decisions where my dreams were at stake........................

Seems like this is not the best way to conclude my monologue.... but still.... THE END!!