Thursday, January 01, 2009

Nah...I dont want to name this one.... last night i dreamt that i strangled some guy to death.... very, very weird!

Oh and this wasnt just any guy...but a guy on that day's episode of FRIENDS.... i spent the day trying to figure out why i got such a dream, before i began wondering why was i spending my time bothering about figuring out some random dream that I got early in the morning....

You must be knowing, what they say about the dreams you dream in the morning....that they come true... so im either going to strangle some american guy to death in the near future or im going to have to stop believing that all dreams that you dream in the mornings come true....

Man... no wonder Sigmund Freud was said to be a little cuckoo in the head... if you spend your time trying to analyse all the mumbo-jumbo that your brain cooks up when its not in your control (i.e. when you're case you didnt get what i meant...) then you're bound to get a little weird (read: cracked.... "please spare me, all you Freud-worshippers!!!")yourself....

Gah!! Oi, im not drunk here,ok?