Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bit of a bringing up-to-date...

Im soooo tantalisingly close to getting what I want.... Its just there...just out of my reach... now if only I could stretch a little higher....
Endorphins, I have discovered, are tons better than any happy drug.... I luuurrrve kick boxing!!!
Was pleasantly surprised at receiving cherry brandy as a coming-of-age present... Thats the first bottle Im going to crack open when I get what I want... what a perfect opportunity to get completely drunk!!
Yippie for me!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of food for thought and written very well throughout !
    Almost raw and hard hitting at times.
    Do continue writing.

    P.S. : Going by the date of your latest post, I am assuming you haven't given up writing.
